The best way to show your phone lover that you care about him is through actions. It’s no problem if you have yet to meet your guy in-person as there are several things you can do on the phone to make sure he knows you’re thinking about him.

Valentine’s day may be over but that’s no reason to stop the love connection. In fact, you can really strengthen your bond by building on what happened on Valentine’s Day by having consistent phone dates.

One way you can show your phone lover that you are thinking of him is by sending picture messages to his phone. Maybe you’re wearing something cute and you send him a selfie. Perhaps you’re wearing nothing at all and you send him a nude shot. Whatever you feel comfortable with — do it and take action!

Another way is to send him a sexy text message. This is usually known as sexting and can serve as a means of foreplay for the next time you have phone sex. Just make sure he knows that you’re sending him sexts before you do so, just in case he happens to be in company with people that shouldn’t see what is happening.

Make sure you meet all your phone date times so that he doesn’t think you have lost interest. Honestly, it’s the little things that count and add up after time. Have fun during your phone dates being vulnerable about your desires and interests.

Talk about things that happen in your life and share who you are. Use active listening to learn more about your phone friend and ask open-ended questions that entice sharing.

The chat lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so no matter what time works for you and your phone partner you can make the date happen.