Tag: Free Trial Chat


The Best Place For Phone Dating

The phone dating world is more than just calling people up and chatting with them. This is a large part of it...

Phone Date Hotlines Make Dating Easier

It is a fact that more and more people are meeting on phone dating hotlines than ever. When people ask why, the...

Masturbation Positions You Should Definitely Try

The best love is sometimes self-love, but sometimes we don’t talk about masturbation enough or think it’s awkward to bring up. But...

Most Sexually Satisfied Residents by State

Are you living in a state that is constantly having sex? Well, if you’re not you might be moving after you read...

Tips For Early Sex

Usually when in a new relationship everything is red hot, the emotions, the feelings and definitely the sex. When everything is clicking...

Want To Swing On Your Smartphone?

I’m going to be blatantly honest. I’ve been married for 14 years to the same man, and at one point, our sex...

Phone Dating Safety 101

While sites like ours have defenses in place to help weed out people that are disrespectful, risks, and not real, it is...

What You Learn About Dating As Time Goes By

When people tell you that dating is a process that takes most people a lot of time and energy to learn, they...

New Mom Gets New Lease On Life Phone Dating

I knew I’d be going into this crazy adventure alone. Not that I’d planned it that way, from the start, but things...

Here Come The Graduates

May is a strange time of year. With all the graduation parties, mixed with the upcoming panic about it almost being beach...